Thursday, May 31, 2012

The R.I.D.E Principle

I'm a biker. Not a motorcycle rider, not a motorcycle enthusiast, but a biker. What's the difference? A true biker lives his or her life by what I like to call the R.I.D.E Principle. R.I.D.E stands for Respect, Integrity, Dignity and Empathy. There are far too many people in the world that can't understand any of these 4 concepts, but those who do have usually had 2 wheels between their legs. For those who find this a foreign concept, let's go over these in detail.

R is for respect. If you give it, you'll get it in return. That guy at the end of the bar could be a 20 year one percenter, or he could be a lawyer. Don't judge a person's look or bikes until you know that person. Unless you're 128 years old, somebody out there has been riding longer than you, and everyone has had different experiences. Give people respect, don't pre-judge, and you'll probably learn something.

I is for integrity. When it comes down to it, all a man (or woman) really has in this life is their word, so you probably want it to be unbroken. If you say you're going to do something, do it. If you commit to helping someone, help them. Stand be your friends, your family, and they'll stand by you when you need them. Screwing people over, even if it gains you something in some way, leads to a loss of respect, and eventually will make you a very lonely person.

D is for Dignity. The Internet is chock full of people who seem to have to need to bitch, gripe and moan about every little thing that happens to them in life. Life is hard, be harder than it. Show some self-respect. Nobody want to think of you as a whiny little bitch. If you really need help with something, and you follow the first two rules, then you already have a base of friends and family who will do anything they can to help.

E is for Empathy. Life IS hard, and the people in your life will go through some hard times. Show them that you are there for them, have their back. They'll do the same for you when your life gets tough. If you stand behind someone, the only way they can fall is forward.

Most of the people who have read this far already practice the R.I.D.E concept. Most of the others left when they had to Google to word "respect". For those that do practice this, I applaud you, and ask that you share this blog with your friends. If we can get more people on board with Respect, Integrity, Dignity and Empathy, the world will be a much better place.

Just R.I.D.E, 